one of my very favourites in this collab by far has to be The Reclaimer, especially with how enigmatic their little "info" section was, and just look at that form! who is this little dude, I love him!
one of my very favourites in this collab by far has to be The Reclaimer, especially with how enigmatic their little "info" section was, and just look at that form! who is this little dude, I love him!
oh my god that's adorable!! such a nostalgic and classic NG style :'D
happy halloween my friend, I hope it went as well as it possibly could have!
Thank you very much friend. I'm glad you like it and I hope everything goes well for you ^^
all these colours compliment each other so well!
this piece may seem simple but the shading and blending makes it look so pretty! I might have too much of a big squishy heart to eat that ice cream though, look how cute that little face is! he go :<
that is one fantastic little fella right there
thank you ♥
your adorable style works with Pomni's character design so well oh my god!!!
she's so small and cute and the way you translated her colours into the pastel background just works so well!
the outline too separates everything really nicely, your style in general is super nice to look at
why yes my friend, the silly jester show has indeed been quite the fun time despite only the pilot being out! and your picture here perfectly conveys what I imagine Pomni felt like for nearly the entire time
she is quite stressed, and the little paint blotches in the background right behind her do a good job at accentuating that!
a nice simple little piece of fanart methinks :>
oh and welcome to Newgrounds! I hope you find a whole lot of recognition for your efforts during your stay❤️
this has such a sweet little charm to it ;; the cozy fall vibe is very much making itself present here and it's really nice
at first I thought the yard was looking a little empty, but there could very-well be charm in that too! seeing as I imagine that's not really meant to be the focus here?
I really like seeing Ruby just vibing, and I'd totally go by to trick-or-treat at her place! >:D
thank you so much!!! :] I did leave it a bit empty mostly cause I wanted to use this as a personal computer screensaver hehe! Force all the ugly little icons to play in the yard.
this almost looks like something that could've come from a music video or something :0
I love me a mixed media background with drawn characters❤️your general style too is very neat and easy on the eyes!! I like it!
I think we'd be freaking out too if we didn't remember anything about our lives previous to being sucked into a digital circuscape pfft
I really like the usage of real eyes as like an accessory to show the anxiety she's feeling! and the shading really gives off those vibes too, nice work, friend!
thank you!
aaaaaa this song doesn't get enough love in the community!! it's one of the classic "creepy" vocaloid songs and needs more fanart like this I think!
the aesthetic is to die for with all the eyes and sketchy patterns, and I love the way you interpreted Miku's hair here! the highlights are just chef's kiss 🤌
not to mention how adorable your style looks just in general hehe great work!
I really love the design of this miku !!!! It was a lot of fun to work with — I think a large chunk of miku designs go unloved ;__;
and thank you a ton!!! I thought about this comment for a few hours after I initially saw it, its really nice:D<3
Shademaster Flex 💪
a self-proclaimed human made to support other humans! I talk real weird
Age 21, Girl Thing (she/her)
mentally ill
all the wrong ones
Joined on 9/1/18