he be drankin
he be drankin
oh these colours are gorgeous, as is the general aesthetic
I really like how this character's kinda leaky-eye-tears translated into your style, I love the highlights on the hair, I love the g o o p, it almost reminds me of cotton candy!!
no doubt your friend really got something gorgeous, and I'm sure they absolutely love it!
it was also very generous of you to take their request :> I'm glad we here got the chance to see it too!
I don't mind taking requests :> It just gives me something else to draw, which makes me very happy.
what a first post, I am kinda sorta absolutely in love with this character's design?????
the colour contrasts, the way the horns (I think they're horns?) fit so well with the jester's hat and frames the mask on their face
I love them :'v I'd say this gradient test was a resounding success!
hello Shisuka :D
I really like the vibes I get from her! kinda manic, gotta love them big ol' sharp teefs
Those vibes would be right! (I love sharp teeth too! So fun to draw)
oh my god late for halloween or not look at this little guy!! he looks like the protagonist to an adorable but still spooky game!
thank you for blessing us with the fella🙏I hope he and his scythe had a wonderful spooky season
this is adorable, dude
I really like what you did with the shading too! I gotta say, using fire definitely feels like a good way to practice possible lighting skills!
poor Scoot tho, homie can't outrun fire-
why the hell doesn't this have more views!? the textures are incredible!
✨Peace and Love on the Planet Earth✨
dude I just got jumpscared by a still image
and in my mind that last bit of dialogue just came through in an absolute BLAST of ear-shattering static, I really admire the ability you have to prompt that in my brain through imagery alone!
you have such a cool grimy aesthetic that is perfect for horror scenes like these :D
man this game was such a damn trip to play through, I didn't play anything past the demo but even in just that small bit of time the game had so much to it! you captured the eerie dark feel really well!
you did this with cheap alcohol markers as well?? that's so damn cool, I nearly thought this was digital at first because of how clean it looked!
I shouldn't be surprised though, I've seen some incredible things done with them markers man
it also seems you're pretty new here as well?? :0 welcome to Newgrounds!! I hope your work gets recognized!
you're making an awesome first impression methinks
this means a lot! thank u!!
Shademaster Flex 💪
a self-proclaimed human made to support other humans! I talk real weird
Age 21, Girl Thing (she/her)
mentally ill
all the wrong ones
Joined on 9/1/18