This has been so incredible so far!! the pacing is phenomenal and I don't often say that about a lot of things!
you got some of the best fuckin' internet people on-board with this one, each voice actor doing a fantastic job (a pattern I've been seeing and appreciating to BITS by the way, you guys even mentioned Scythelord by name) and the animation quality is something you know has to be brought up every time
everything is so smooth and expressive, Monkey Wrench looks so professional to the point where I was really thinking a big-ass production company was behind it and we were just lucky enough to be able to watch it for free
I'm so excited to see what happens next, for real! I have no money in which to help support, so please at least take my utmost appreciation for your hard work! your characters are so much fun, they're genuinely likeable and the humour is just mature enough to be enjoyable for adults while also not getting to the point of being juvenile
it might not always be a bad thing but it's a pretty big pet peeve of mine to see a series for adults just be littered with nothing but edge for the sake of edge, but this is so much more than that and I love every second of it
good luck with episode 5, you can bet your asses we'll be there!