Jade has such a fun personality and is super expressive! I'm gonna have to check out the rest of this, I gotta love how colourful every frame of it is! the vibrance is delightful
such a wholesome ending too! I hope they all enjoyed their food :'>
Jade has such a fun personality and is super expressive! I'm gonna have to check out the rest of this, I gotta love how colourful every frame of it is! the vibrance is delightful
such a wholesome ending too! I hope they all enjoyed their food :'>
this was the beginning of Thriller I think
usually I'm not one for meatcanyon stuff (despite being a very talented artist and animator!) but the happy endings to the Melvin shorts tend to feel so heartfelt and genuine that I can't help but admire it
highlighting some of the good alongside all the bad is very important and despite not having gone on for long from what I've seen I think this series does a good job of it :>
very nice work ❤️
I think I just had a crisis
not even gonna lie I wasn't expecting to like this as much as I was! but our 2 main characters are very cute and I love how Maulie has such a real motivation here in why she does what she does!
the way that she interacted with the wizard in her frustrations felt like it was just enough to show she's slipping while also having her haul it back to being professional, it felt... oddly realistic to how someone would actually respond??
then the wizard's little smile at the end agh I wasn't expecting my heart to feel as warmed by it as it was but lemme tell you it was an awfully pleasant surprise
I hope you guys get more eyes on your stuff because this is so genuinely intriguing with its strange-ass premise and charming personality :D
though the bumper is super cute and fun and delightful, I do gotta say that I agree with the sentiment that DudeGuy & Dr. Jib were meant for the BIG SCREEN. the vertical style just doesn't do the silly bastards justice, they gotta take up all the space that they can so we can fully appreciate them! though I gotta say that the whole idea of us eavesdropping on them via recording cameras makes it much more fun to watch in this particular format
I hope Guy's surgery goes well❤️super excited to see more, even if it's just little snippets like this!
This was a great review, thank you so much!
that was short but REALLY smooth! I love the amount of expression we get out of your characters from only 5 seconds!
delightfully simple, I think is what I'd call it! :>
that was both funny and eerie, I kinda dig it! I'd like to see more of your style around here :D
I hope Orange finds peace with his new body someday
she seems chill :>
I'm voting for 2 and 2!! save the kitty!
the music is very bouncy btw, it reminds me of "who wants to gnaw on human bones" if anyone remembers that video
Shademaster Flex 💪
a self-proclaimed human made to support other humans! I talk real weird
Age 21, Girl Thing (she/her)
mentally ill
all the wrong ones
Joined on 9/1/18